All pictures and content are from the Sesame Street episode "Grouch Messing Machine"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Entry 5 - The Family Song

Continuing with the family theme of Elmo's World, Elmo's TV shows up and plays The Family Song for us all on the "Family Channel". The tune that goes with the song is a very obviously upbeat and happy. The first few families that show up begin with one member, and the others are introduced as their part of the song is sung. Once another member shows up, they get within close proximity to the rest of their family. Everybody eventually appears on the screen, and the entire family does a dance or somehow interacts together with the rest of the family. It's emphasizing the togetherness and fun that a family has together, as well as teaching that all sorts of creatures (birds, cats, and even fleas) has a family.

Once they get to the only human family in the animation, they show them all together already dancing in their house. This change is probably due to the fact that human families have already been shown in Elmo's World a few times, and this is just furthering that idea. They appear with a cat and a mouse that are almost like a part of their family - showing that a family pet can be a large part of the family just like the human members are.

First picture is the solo entrance, second is them all together

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